Incorporate These 5 Staples Into Your Diet For More Happiness

There are countless reasons to maintain a healthy diet. However, did you know that one of them includes improving your happiness? Introducing certain foods into your diet can not only improve your health but your overall mood as well.


Eating a balanced diet will help nourish your mind and body so that you can feel your best. As such, nutritious foods provide us with the key components we need to stay healthy and maintain our happiness.

If you are wondering what basic foods can help you build happiness in your life, continue reading. Working the food below into your diet will help you feel the positive effects that proper nutrition can have.

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Eggs are a pretty handy and safe thing to have in your refrigerator. They are an excellent source of protein, vitamins (A, D, and B12), and other essential nutrients.

However, many people have questions about the impact eating eggs has on their cholesterol levels. Research shows that, in healthy adults, one egg a day is not associated with coronary heart disease or stroke.


Having more than seven eggs per week, however, has been associated with increased risk, particularly for diabetes sufferers.

There are countless different ways to cook eggs. They can be eaten fried, grilled, poached, steamed, or scrambled. To incorporate them into your diet use them in burritos, noodles, salads, and in sandwiches for breakfast.


Nut butter is a great addition to a healthy diet. However, be vigilant because some are laden with sugar, hydrogenated oils, and other not-so-great ingredients.

Plain nuts are chock full of protein, food, vitamins, healthy fats, and minerals like iron, calcium, and magnesium. Moreover, they are compact, easy to store, and easy to incorporate into your diet.

They’re energy-dense and deliver a hefty caloric punch. Eating a handful of roasted or unsalted nuts as a fast and safe snack is the best way to consume them. Alternatively, you can add them in smoothies, milk, salads, or breakfast cereals.


Nutrients such as vitamins, carbohydrates, antioxidants, and minerals (e.g., iron and calcium) are found in greens. Enjoy a plethora of greens. Go beyond spinach and kale. Try beet greens, arugula, mustard greens, romaine lettuce, Swiss chard, or rapini.

Adding leafy greens to your soups, smoothies, salads, wraps, or bowls is a great way to eat them. Remember to add a splash of oil to your leafy greens, such as extra virgin olive oil. This will help promote the absorption of fat-soluble nutrients found in leafy greens.


Fish is full of fatty acids, vitamin D, and omega-3s. Omega-3 fats protect the heart by preserving healthy blood flow, decreasing inflammation, and increasing blood pressure and triglyceride levels. The fats in fish are also great for our brains and happiness.

Fatty fish such as tuna, salmon, trout, mackerel, and herring are all excellent omega-3 fat acid sources.

If you’re concerned about exposure to mercury, stop eating high-mercury types like swordfish, orange roughy, lobster, marlin, bigeye tuna, and king mackerel.

Poaching the meat is the easiest way to eat fish, but steaming is also an excellent way to prepare the fish. Baking fish is another unique method of cooking that requires minimum effort.


Quinoa is one of the most wholesome and versatile whole grains. It is also a steady source of fiber, calcium, and vitamin B6. It also provides more protein and iron than other plants.

The easiest way to eat quinoa is to cook a batch over the weekend in advance and put it in your fridge. Use it in soups, salads, stuffed beans, quesadillas, and bowls for breakfasts throughout the week.

You can also stir cooked quinoa with beans, leftover veggies, herbs, and a splash of olive oil and seasoning to make a fast meal packed with nutrients.


Now that you know what to stock up on, you can head to the grocery store and start eating healthy! Click here for more information on getting healthy.